Narrate a PowerPoint presentation online live with this web conferencing system, formerly known as Elluminate. Students may participate in the session with two-way audio, text messaging, a shared whiteboard, surveys, quizzes and more. Introduction Wright State faculty and staff may use Pilot Live/Blackboard Collaborate for university purposes, classroom support, or research support. The primary purpose for Blackboard Collaborate is to support the academic classroom environment. We do not want to use it for large webinar events that are not classroom related that would put a strain on our primary purpose.
Blackboard Collaborate has now been integrated into Pilot, our course management system. If you plan to use Collaborate through Pilot, you will not need to request a Collaborate account as you will be validated through your logon through Pilot. All users are responsible for accessing the online training and support from Collaborate, which is provided at no charge. Here are links to the free online training resources: Creating a Blackboard Collaborate Meeting in Pilot We have integrated Blackboard Collaborate into out course management system, Pilot. You do not need an account to use Blackboard Collaborate. Here is how to create a Blackboard Collaborate meeting in Pilot. Create the Room.
Click 'Communication' on the navigation bar, then click 'Pilot Live.' . Click on 'New Room.' .
Give your 'room' a name. Since you may set up more than one web conferencing session, you should give each session a meaningful name so students know which Pilot Live web conference to access. If your session is for the entire class, give it a name something like “Class Pilot Live Web Conference Session” in the name.
Under Room Visibility, select 'Public Room' if you want all of the students in the course to have access to the room. Once the 'Public Room' is selected, no additional steps are needed to give your students access to the room. If you only want select students in the course to have access to the room, select 'Restricted Room.' Using the 'Restricted Room' option will require additional steps to grant access (see the 'Add Internal Students section below).
In the 'Availability' area, set the start date and end date. You should start it at the beginning of the term and end it a few weeks after the term.
Under 'Advanced,' click 'Show Advanced Properties' to make some advanced selections. Most of the options are self-explanatory, but you can always click on the question mark at the end of the option to get a more complete explanation. I would recommend selecting: a) Attendees raise their hand on entry, b) Participants have unrestricted access to resources, and c) Moderators can view all private chats.
Click Save. Add Participants Add Internal Students. Click on Add Internal Attendees. Select the students you wish to add.
If you wish to add all students, you can click on the box at the top in the gray row. Click 'Add.' Click 'Add' to confirm you wish to add these participants.Note: If you have a student that adds your class after you have completed this step, you will need to redo this procedure for those students. Add External Attendees If you wish to add external participants such as guest speakers to the Blackboard Collaborate web conferencing, follow the steps below. You can also create a 'Fake Student' account by following the steps below and creating an external account with your email address. Click 'Add External Attendees.' .
Type in the email address of the person you wish to add. Click on 'Add.' . Click on the envelop to the right of the external attendee to send them an email with the URL so that they can access. Launching Blackboard Collaborate for Your Face-to-Face Class Some people opt to use Blackboard Collaborate to record their face-to-face classes.
It is not necessary to bring in a video recorder to record yourself. It is also possible to conduct a face-2-face class and have 'virtual' students that are attending live but are located outside the face-2-face classroom.
Most people simply record their audio and then use application share to record their desk top so that students can hear the audio message from the instructor and also see what was projected on the overhead. While this is not terribly difficult to do, it is a little tricky and you definitely want to do some trial practices before the actual event. Here are the steps to do this. Get an External Web Conference Microphone/Speaker Needless to say, it would be awkward to teach a face-2-face class with a headset on. Therefore, you need to get an external web conference microphone/speaker so that your external audience can hear you and you can hear any virtual students that may be accessing the session from afar. If the instructor stays within about 5 feet of the system, it does a pretty good job at picking up their voice. Since students are usually too far from the microphone, instructors should get in the practice of repeating the questions or comments so that they can be picked up and heard through the microphone.
Here are some options to getting an external web conference microphone/speaker:. Check out a system from Wright State CaTS.
Contact WSU to check out one of their systems. Be sure to reserve this system in advance as they are very popular and get booked. You will need to pick it up before and after every class. Phone: (937) 775-3163. Purchase your own system. If you would like to purchase your own system for yourself or your department, here are the ones I would recommend:.
About $399.00 This system looks like one of those Polycom telephone conference devices that you see in meeting rooms. It has a USB cord that connects to the computer and also charges electronically so you don't have to keep recharging it or plug it into an electronic outlet. About $249.00 (usually on sale for about $190.00). While this system is a wireless microphone, it does come with a USB Base that serves as its receiver. The Instructor needs to stay about 5 feet from the receiver to have adequate sound quality.
The instructor wears the wireless microphone around their neck. The battery lasts about 3-4 hours. Launch Blackboard Collaborate Before Each Class Session It takes about 10 minutes to get the system set up, so be sure to arrive early. I try to have an activity to get my class started to allow me to have a few minutes of uninterrupted time to get the system set up. Don't forget to try this out ahead of time. You should practice this several times before you actually do it.
Here is what to do:. Plug the external web conference microphone/speaker into the classroom computer’s USB port.
In your Pilot course, click 'Communication,' then 'Pilot Live' to launch Blackboard Collaborate. Select Your Audio Input and Output The audio set-up wizard will allow you to chose which device you want as your input and output. Obviously you want the external microphone/speaker to be your input. However, you may want to experiment with your output device.
If you have 'virtual' students attending the session, it might be difficult for the face-2-face class to hear their comments if the output comes through a small speaker in the front of the class. In this case you might want to experiment having the audio come in the external microphone/speaker and the output going through the classroom speakers. The challenge with this is that sometimes the classroom speakers sometimes have obscure names when showing up in the list. This is not usually a problem, as there are usually a very short list of about 3 names and you can keep experimenting until you find the right one that is the computer speakers in the room. The downside of selecting the computer speakers is that the audio goes out of the classroom speakers and goes back into the microphone, so that sometimes this causes a bad echo. This is why you want to experiment and decide which option works best for you.
Here is what to do:. Click Tools on menu bar at the top. Select Audio/ Audio Set up Wizard. Select Audio Output Device = Leave room default.
If there are several devices listed and you are not sure which one if the classroom speakers, you can simply try each one and then click play and you will hear where the output comes out from. Click Play and audio should play in room. Select Audio Input Device = Yamaha Microphone (or whatever system you have). If there are several systems listed and you aren't sure which one is yours, just click on record and you will see if it is working by the activation of the green audio level. Click Record and begin talking to test microphone. You should see a green audio level showing in the speaker.
Click Yes to indicate that microphone set up is complete. Record Your Session Don't forget to record your session. Recorded sessions are great for students who miss class or students who want to review the course material. Instructors also enjoy watching the recordings to do a critical reflection on what is working and not working in the class. These recordings are NOT permanent intellectual property. They do not copy from term to term. Think of them as being available ONLY during the current term and NOT available once the term is over.
At this point, there is not an efficient way to make permanent copies of these recordings (although this is something that will be included on future updates). Click 'Record' in upper right corner. When you are done with your session you can either click Stop Recording or simply close your window. The recording will NOT be posted until ALL participants have logged out of the session. As an instructor, I usually wait around at the end of my session and answer any questions that my students have.
I wait until all students have logged out of the session. If there is a student still showing that forget to log off, you can right click on their name and remove them from the session because the session will not save in the archives until all participants have logged off. The saved session usually uploads to archives in about 15 minutes.
Share Desktop One of the cool features it that you can select to share your entire desktop, minimize Blackboard Collaborate, and then teach class as you normally would and completely forget that Blackboard Collaborate is running in the background. The system puts a 'yellow' rectangle around the entire computer screen to record everything that you display in class. If your face-2-face students see information on the overhead, then your virtual students see it through Blackboard Collaborate. They also see the exact same thing in the recording that saves in the archives. Click on Application Share icon at the top of the whiteboard (middle icon that looks like 2 screens on top of each other).
Select Share desktop. The system puts a 'yellow' rectangle around the entire desktop to indicate the area that is being shared.
Minimize Blackboard Collaborate and continue with your class as normal. Change Computer Audio After you set up the audio in Blackboard Collaborate, you may need to change the audio on your computer. If you are using a PC:. Click on Start in lower left corner of computer.
Click Settings/ Control Panel. Double click on Sounds and Audio Devices. Select Audio. Pick sound devices for output (playback) and input (recording). If you are using a Mac: If you are using a Mac you will need to set this up BEFORE you can run your audio set-up wizard.
Click System Preferences. Select Sound.
Pick sound devices for output and input. Launch Extra Computer as 'Fake Student' If possible, I would strongly recommend that you launch a laptop or second computer and log in a 'Fake Student' so that you can watch your Blackboard Collaborate recording to ensure that everything is recording properly. Add external person to your Blackboard Collaborate session with your email.
Click email to send yourself a link to the session. Plug additional laptop in. Place it someplace where you can see if from where you are teaching. Launch the second computer and find the link that you sent yourself as an external 'Fake Student' to launch and enter Blackboard Collaborate as a 'Fake Student'.
Turn down volume of speaker and turn off microphone. Make sure I can see laptop from where I am teaching so that I can see Blackboard Collaborate as the students will be seeing it. References Here are some contacts and links to help get you started with Blackboard Collaborate web conferencing.
If you've accessed Collaborate previously, when launching a Collaborate session you will be offered the opportunity to update the Collaborate Launcher, whilst optional it is recommended to do so. The first time you attempt enter a Collaborate session or play a Collaborate recording, you will have to download and install the Launcher.
Please allow sufficient time before the session to do so, or you can download & install ahead of time using the appropriate link below. Direct links to download Collaborate Launcher: If you have installed the Collaborate Launcher and it's still not working, please see. Hello, I downloaded Blackboard Collaborate Launcher for my Mac and got meeting.collab file which opens up with info: 'Welcome to the Blackboard Collaborate Configuration Room. Close this session as your web conference will not be held here. To join your web conference, follow the instructions provided to you by your organisation.' My questions is: Is this the right way to launch Blackboard Collaborate for SCU tutorials or there is something wrong?
My tutor's instructions were as follows: 'Once in the Collaborate Live! Area, click on the ‘Access Blackboard Collaborate Sessions and Recordings’ link. Click on the link to the session you want to join and you will be taken through to the Collaborate classroom.'
I cannot see any link 'Access Blackboard Collaborate Sessions and Recordings'. Can you help please.
Jolanta Benson.