.html sama dengan htm yang juga merupakan dokumen pembentuk halaman web. Html adalah singkatan dari hypertext markup language. File html dapat dibuat dengan menggunakan notepad dengan membuat perintah-perintah tertentu (bahasa html) pada file txt tersebut lalu file disimpan dalam bentuk bukan unicode. Kemudian nama ekstensi file diubah menjadi html. File html dapat dibuka dengan aplikasi seperti modzilla firefox, internet explorer, opera, netscape navigator, ataupun suffer.
File html dapat disisipi dengan file gambar, suara, bahkan video.
As illustrated in the previous chapters, there are no surfaces in a wireframe model; it consists only of points, lines, and curves that describe the edges of the object. Surface modeling was developed to provide the surface information that is missing in wireframe modeling. Essentially, defining the skin of a design creates a surface model. Although it is possible to create a surface model without using a wireframe model, in most cases it is much easier to create a surface model on top of a wireframe model. In surface modeling, a wireframe model can be used to provide information about the edges and corners so that the desired faces can be easily positioned and placed. The AutoCAD surface modeler defines faceted surfaces using a filled polygon.
The created faces of surface models are only planar, which means the surface models can only have approximate curved surfaces. It is important to note that the AutoCAD surface modeler does not create true curved surfaces. To differentiate these two types of surfaces, faceted surfaces are called meshes in AutoCAD. Because of the use of faceted approximation on true curved surfaces, the computer requirements of most faceted surface modelers are typically much less than that of solid modelers. Faceted surface modeling usually provides reasonably good representations of 3D designs with fast rendering and shading capabilities. Faceted surface models are also useful for creating geometry with unusual surface patterns, such as a 3D topographical model of mountainous terrain.