This book aims to provide beginners with an introduction to the programming of Mac OS X Apps using, and, the free developer tools provided by Apple, Inc. Examples of Mac apps are: iTunes, Safari, Mail, iCal, Address Book, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, etc. Using Objective-C, Cocoa and XCode as taught in this wikibook will start your education in how to develop Mac apps. Many of the skills that you learn in this wikibook can be used to build apps for iOS but there are some differences between Mac OS X apps and iOS apps.
This book focuses on Mac OS X apps. Some knowledge of another programming language, preferably Objective-C.
The following link is a link to a wikibook that covers. Apple has a Mac App Store where it can sell your Mac apps for you and they will pay you 70% of the proceeds. The Mac App Store is available for users of Mac OS X, 10.6 and later by choosing from the Apple menu 'App Store.'
In general, this text is written to be followed in order from start to finish except that if you have experience in C, C, Java or Python, you are encouraged to look at the relevant section of the Appendix to orient you to developing for Mac OS X and Cocoa. As each topic develops, it builds on the code written previously to add complexity and functionality, so you are advised to read this wikibook from start to finish in the order that it was written.
After a quick glance, my guess is the problem is in if dieShape.contains(event.locationInWindow). DiaShape is in local (view) coordinate. But event.locationInWindow is in window coordinates. You need to first convert the window coordinates into local coordinates before you can test the hit point. Refer to the documentation for locationInWindow: let eventLocation = event.locationInWindow let localPoint = self.convert(eventLocation, from: nil) if dieShape.contains(localPoint).
If your view is close to the origin of the window, the difference between window and view coordinates is small enough that it might work, but the ones further away won't.