Visual Studio Code is the new kid on the block in text editor circles. It’s raison d’etre is to provide a keyboard focused lightweight editor that has less of the complexity of a full blown IDE, while trying to provide enough of the powerful features that developers love. While it looks to strike that balance between power and flexibility, it provides a robust extension ecosystem for anything that doesn’t come in the box. VS Code is mainly targeted around web, Node.js, and developers. In fact, it is even written in HTML, CSS, SVG, TypeScript and Node.js. Things like IntelliSense (auto-complete suggestions), syntax highlighting, and even a debugger (for the latter two) are provided in the box.
Additional languages can of course be provided by installing extensions from the. There is even version control built in, so you can connect to GitHub and commit, sync and change branches without leaving the editor. There are however some fairly common misconceptions I’ve seen around VS Code: Misconceptions “VS Code is cool and all but I’m on a Mac.” That isn’t a problem at all. While Visual Studio is Windows only, VS Code works just as well on Mac, Windows, and Linux. I‘ve even seen people run it on a Raspberry Pi!
”Don’t use VS Code; it’s just an open source fork of Atom!!! M$ are evil, they’ll even kick your dog. Twice.” Not true. VS Code is based on the Monaco editor that is also part of the F12 dev tools found in MS Edge and IE. It was also part of Visual Studio Online that was part of Azure Websites. It does use Electron (which started life as part of Atom) for the frame of the app, which allows it to be hosted as a cross platform app.
Why VS Code is great for front end dev / designers Quite a bit has been made about VS Code’s suitability for JavaScript and Node.js. It looks like it is picking up quite a following within the JS, Node.JS, Cordova, and Angular communities. Especially thanks to its fantastic Node debugger, and its JS IntelliSense (powered by TypeScript’s strength in tooling). The Angular team at Google even write Angular 2 in VS Code. I’ve seen less about its strengths for CSS and HTML development, so I’d like to cover a few of these in this blog posts.
Much of this is brand new in the recently released January preview. General editor features Auto-resize open panels Like many editors, a number of files (to a max of 3) can be opened side by side. I work on a small laptop where space is at a premium, and while 3 files can be shown side by side, there isn’t really enough space to realistically work with all three. Except VS Code has a nifty feature where if the panels are slim enough, the panel with keyboard focus will expand to fill the space, with the other panels contracting.
This is best shown in a video: Change bars If you’ve ever used an inspector such as F12, you’ll probably have noticed the little change bars when you edit things like CSS properties. VS Code has these throughout the editor, so you never have to figure out what you might have changed while experimenting with fixing that stubborn bug. I find it really useful for retracing steps and getting rid of the things I tried that didn’t work out. GitHub and source control integration Somewhat related to the previous point, there is full source control built in by default. It isn’t as complete as an app like GitHub Desktop, but it allows you to do many of the common tasks you do while coding, such as switching branches, committing changes, comparing diffs, and so. Built in accessibility It is currently heavily in development, but along with Microsoft‘s company wide commitment to accessibility, the VS Code team are currently working on making the editor and debugger fully keyboard accessible, along with making it work with a screen reader.
There is a dearth of great editors and debuggers that work well for screen reader users, so if they nail this, it is going to be great news for the accessibility community. You can follow their progress in the. Performance A common complaint levelled at editors that are built with web technologies is that they are slow. Especially when you start adding a bunch of your favourite extensions that are always running in the background. VS Code has never slowed down for me (and it can handle our huge project with thousands of source files). As far as I understand it, rather than all extensions being on the same UI thread as the app, each extension has their own thread, so they don’t slow down the app responsiveness, even when you’ve lived in the app for a while and loaded it up with customisations. Evergreen VS Code currently updates on a monthly schedule.
The GitHub project has a healthy following with multiple commits a day, meaning the editor is advancing at a fast clip. Another nice thing is that the app upgrades in place, rather than forcing you to download and replace like I’ve experienced with other editors.
This makes it painless to upgrade. And if you’d like to be further on cutting edge, there is a. CSS features CSS is where I spend most of my time, and there are a bunch of features that help my productivity, or just make VS Code a pleasure to use. These are some of my highlights Working with colours The first thing you will notice is that, similar to how CSS inspectors work, each time you include a colour in a CSS file it will include a colour swatch. This works for both solid colours and hsla/rgba. It even works in gradients, but only for the individual colour stops. That is kinda cool (especially for the hex notation challenged such as myself), but what makes it really useful is that while typing the value for any CSS property that accepts a colour, all the valid values are included in the auto-complete.
This includes all the named colours (also complete with a colour swatch and equivalent hex notation), and rgb(a) and hsl(a) notation (complete with hints about what the parameters mean.) Not enough? Well, it also includes all the colours you’ve already used in the file, so if you don’t remember the exact hex code of your company blue, it is right there as you type. It really makes it easy to make sure you’re not adding a bunch of same but different colours. Understanding selectors Do you sometimes forget exactly what a selector matches, such as the difference between and ?
If you do, hover over a selector in your CSS file and it’ll give you a handy hint: Mini reference inside your editor Many editors have auto-complete built in, and VS Code is no different. However, I don’t think there is any editor that is close to being as complete and up to date. First of all, often the list of features gets frozen in time and updated ad hoc. VS Code is almost entirely updated with the latest specs that are implemented by browsers. So this includes features such as Motion Path and Grid to the advanced hyphenation properties in CSS4 Text. And it doesn’t just list the WebKit prefixes; it includes everything, including Opera, Mozilla, MS and WebKit.
It even including CSS features defined outside of CSS, such as Pointer Events and Fullscreen API. For CSS properties, a one line description (mostly taken from the spec) is given, that can be expanded to show the complete description, instead of linking off to a separate page outside the editor. It is really useful for those properties you don’t use every day, or those with somewhat arbitrary syntax, such as Flexbox (I never remember which controls the cross axis and which is the main access.) This also works for CSS values and at-rules. Another neat thing is that VS Code knows when a property accepts a length value, or a percentage, so even for features like width, it will list all the valid unit types (again, fully up to date). The full list of global values are also covered, instead of just inherit. Features that accept image values know about the entire range of image types, including the various vendor prefixes needed, and new up and coming features such as image-set. That is cool while writing your CSS, but you might be looking at some existing code and forget what it means (or it was added by someone else).
Now you can hover over the properties in a similar way to the selectors, and the description will also be show. Syntax highlighting valid properties Like many editors, the syntax highlighting is based off of TextMate files, but the feature list has also been thoroughly updated (I hope to commit this back). Originally it would only highlight valid CSS properties, but the list was so out of date, you couldn’t tell if you mistyped a property name, or it was just too new to be recognised. Now all the properties and values are as up to date as the auto-complete list. Again, it will recognise even new things such as the all property, or motion-path, and SVG properties. Browser support Perhaps even more useful than that, there is browser support information built into the IntelliSense. First of all, it excludes any features (properties or values) that are not supported by any browser.
Features that are supported include the browser support list inside the description, so you don’t need to leave your editor to research if you can use the feature. Not only this, but it is granular enough to be all the way down to the value level, rather than just for a property or spec.
This took a lot of testing! Additional help with more obscure syntax timing functions Ever needed to using a timing function for an animation or transition beyond the presets like ease-in and ease-out? Now VS Code includes the commonly used mapped to CSS, so you can get the cubic-bezier value without having to look it up. If you’ve used animation in jQuery you may be familiar with these.
Unicode range The unicode-range descriptor allows you to specify what range of characters a Web Font is used for. A common stylistic use of this is to specify a font just for the ampersand (the often cited mantra). Hands up who knows the unicode escape for an ampersand off by heart (no peaking!) I suspect not many of you (I know I don’t!). In VS Code, the IntelliSense for the unicode-range property will include this in the list, so you don‘t have to look it up. I’ve also included a bunch of the ranges for commonly used languages, so you can build out custom ranges by selecting as you type.
You’ll never have to look up unicode charts again! OpenType feature tags There are a number of feature tags defined in the OpenType spec to access different font features. Examples include ligatures (common, stylistic, etc), small caps, and so on. Instead of having to look these up, they‘ve also been included in the IntelliSense for the font-feature-settings property, along with the human readable friendly name. Built-in CSS linter A CSS linter is built in (which, of course, you can customise the rules), so that you get errors and warnings out of the box. If you prefer a different linter, it is possible to disable it.
HTML features Many of the great CSS features apply to HTML as well. For example all the new HTML5.1 features are included in IntelliSense (complete with description), including. When autocompleting HTML attributes, it is smart enough to know which attributes belong to which element, and even the valid values. An example of this is that when using the role attribute, it suggests all the ARIA 1.1 roles as completions. This is also up to date with the spec, so attributes such as download will be suggested for the element, and srcset for.
ARIA properties There are a lot of ARIA properties. They’re not always the easiest to remember, so VS Code also includes all of these in the auto-completion list. I don’t think any other editor includes these. I’m hoping this will help developers write even more accessible content.
That’s just a few of my favourite features; a few of which have just landed over the last month. There is a solid roadmap going forward, including the much requested code folding. What are your favourite features, and what do you miss from your favourite editor? Posted by, /.
According to the attached dump, looks like the crash comes from an unhandled exception when reading the.plist files (Info.plist, Entitlements.plist, etc.), which causes VS to restart. This is usually caused because the Plist is in a bad format or with duplicate keys. In this dump, I can see that the exception complains about duplicate keys in the file. Anyways, the unhandled exception issue has been fixed recently and will be available on the next 15.8 preview.
The newest version supports also supports High DPI on Windows and Retina Displays on Macs. Taking into account the skill disparities among hobbyists, Elements offers three levels of editing functionality: Quick, Guided and Expert editing tabs give you as much heavy lifting as you wish to handle. For the enthusiast set, some of new features like Photomerge Compose and the Refine Selection brush may require a steady hand. Top 18 alternatives to god of light for mac.
In the meantime please check the.plist files of yout project to see which one is in a bad state, in order to avoid VS to crash and restart. Please let us know if you still experience similar issues. By now, marking this as the suggested solution.